Ben Winger, PhDPostdoctoral Fellow, Michigan Society of Fellows (until August 2017) Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Assistant Curator of Birds, Museum of Zoology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI email: wingerb [at] NEWS: Ben is starting a tenure-track position at the University of Michigan in August, 2017. Prospective students should contact Ben and visit this site. Ben is also advertising a postdoctoral position in avian evolutionary genomics. |
Ben Winger is an evolutionary ecologist and ornithologist working at the interface of speciation, biogeography, and behavioral ecology. He develops analytical tools and employs comparative approaches to leverage large datasets — including those generated from genomics, phylogenetics, museum collections and citizen science — to address questions in evolution and ecology. His recent fieldwork has focused on Neotropical montane and North American boreal forest birds. Ben earned his PhD in 2015 from the University of Chicago and his BA in 2007 from Cornell University.
Winger, BM. Consequences of divergence and introgression for speciation in Andean cloud-forest birds. In Review.
Winger, BM, PA Hosner, GA Bravo, AM Cuervo, N Aristizábal, LE Cueto & JM Bates. 2015. Inferring speciation history in the Andes with reduced-representation sequence data: an example in the bay-backed antpittas (Aves; Grallariidae; Grallaria hypoleuca s. l.). Molecular Ecology. 24:6256-6277. (PDF)
Toews, DPL, L Campagna, SA Taylor, CN Balakrishnan, DT Baldassare, PE Deane-Coe, MG Harvey, DM Hooper, DE Irwin, CD Judy, NA Mason, JE McCormack, KG McCracken, CH Oliveros, RJ Saran, ESC Scordato, KF Stryjewksi, A Tigano, JAC Uy, & BM Winger. 2016. Genomic approaches to understanding population divergence and speciation in birds. The Auk: Ornithological Advances. 133:13-30. (PDF)
Winger, BM & JM Bates. 2015. The tempo of trait divergence in geographic isolation: Avian speciation across the Marañon valley of Peru. Evolution 69:772-782. (PDF) (Supporting Information)
Winger, BM, FK Barker & RH Ree. 2014. Temperate origins of long-distance seasonal migration in New World songbirds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 111(33):12115-12120. (PDF) (media coverage)
Harvey, MG, GF Seeholzer, D Cáceres, BM Winger, JG Tello, F Hernández, MA Aponte, CV Duffie, S Figueroa, RS Terrill, CE Brown, L Alza, G Bravo, M Combe, O Custodio, A Quiñones, A Urbay, WA Garcia, AS Savit, FW Pezo, WM Mauck III, and O Barden. 2014. Avian biogeography of an Amazonian headwater: the upper Ucayali River, Peru. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126(2):179-191. (PDF)
Seeholzer, GF, BM Winger, MG Harvey, D Cáceres & JD Weckstein. 2012. A new species of barbet (Aves: Capitonidae) from the Cerros del Sira, Ucayali, Peru. The Auk 129(3):551-559. (frontispiece) (PDF) (media coverage)
Winger, BM, IJ Lovette & DW Winkler. 2012. Ancestry and evolution of seasonal migration in Parulidae. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 279:610-618. (PDF)
Harvey, MG, BM Winger, GF Seeholzer & D Caceres. 2011. Avifauna of the Gran Pajonal and southern Cerros del Sira, Peru. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123(2):289-316. (PDF)
Greeney, H, M Juiña, JB Harris, M Wickens, BM Winger, R Gelis, E Miller, & A Solano-Ugalde. 2010. Observations on the breeding biology of birds in south-east Ecuador. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club 130:61-68. (PDF)